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                          WHAT IS DOORWAY?

    DOORWAY is a  software program which  allows remote control of  a
    computer via a  modem.  It also  allows almost any program  to be
    run as a door  for bulletin board systems.   Bulletin boards  can
    utilize DOORWAY to  transform normal  programs into "DOORS",  and
    anyone can use DOORWAY as a remote utility.  As a remote utility,
    DOORWAY will allow you  to control a distant computer  via modem,
    as if you were there.  DOORWAY will redirect all programs  on the
    host  computer,  with   the  exception  of  programs   which  use
    bit-mapped graphics.

    DOORWAY shells to the program to run, or shells COMMAND.COM, when
    used as a remote utility.   DOORWAY then translates and redirects
    all video to the required COM port and all COM port inputs to the
    keyboard buffer.  BIOS  interrupts or screen RAM  comparisons are
    used, so that programs, which DOS CTTY cannot redirect, can still
    be  used.  The  HOST's keyboard is  active so that  the SYSOP (or
    person on the  HOST end)  can aid  a REMOTE user,  and the  SYSOP
    (bulletin board SYStem OPerator) can monitor what the REMOTE user
    is  doing.    COMMAND.COM  is   not  loaded  by  DOORWAY   unless
    specifically instructed to do so by  the HOST setup; therefore, a
    user cannot break a program and get to  DOS. If the user exits or
    breaks the program, he will simply  return to DOORWAY, which will
    return to the  bulletin board (or  HOST program) after  resetting
    all  vectors,   including  any the  application program  may have

    Doorway monitors Carrier  Detect, and after displaying  a message
    that carrier was lost, returns to the bulletin board or HOST.  It
    monitors the input  character string  and traps any  character(s)
    the SYSOP wants trapped (such as     DOORWAY can also abort  a
    program with any  character(s) the SYSOP has defined, thus making
    it possible to run UNBREAKABLE programs,  such as many commercial
    games (check  with the game  publisher to verify  this is  not in
    violation of their copyright).

    The keyboard time  and user's time are monitored, and if either
    expires,  DOORWAY will return  to the  board (or  HOST). Keyboard
    expiration  time  is settable,  but  defaults to  255  seconds (4
    minutes 15 seconds).   See  section 3 for  more information.  The
    keyboard timeout is reset  on both the com port  and the bulletin
    board's keyboard, so characters entered at  either will reset the
    timer. It  can also  be reset  by video  updates. If  you set  up
    DOORWAY to use  PCBOARD.SYS or  DOOR.SYS, the user  time will  be
    computed  from  what time  he has  left,  unless overridden  by a
    command line switch.

    Full  ANSI  GRAPHICS are supported, but if your  program  doesn't
    need it, DOORWAY  will work just  fine in NON-ANSI mode.  DOORWAY
    also allows the  REMOTE user  to send all  the extended  keyboard
    codes, such as the cursor, ALT and FUNCTION keys.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson